Thursday, August 29, 2013

Finger Print Apple Tree

Draw a tree and have your child stamp their fingerprint as the apples.  We used the dot painters for the paint, but you could also use an ink pad or paint.  We used red, but you could also use green and yellow, too.
N loves using the dot paints!

Prewriting Practice

Prewriting practice is very important for little ones.  These type of activities are the building blocks for handwriting.

N is learning to:

1) hold her writing utensil correctly (she mostly uses her right hand, but still wants to try her left-don't discourage this!  It is important to let your child figure out what is most comfortable for him/her.)
2) hold her paper correctly
3) start her marks on the left side of the paper
4) trace straight lines to the end point
5) stop her marks at the ending point


Kansas Early Learning Standard
CL Standard 4: Demonstrates emergent writing skills

using a highlighter to trace the line
tracing the dotted lines
 DIY Prewriting Practice Pages

use stamps and a highlighter

using a pencil to trace over the highlighted line

 using curved lines and angled lines

 using stickers and maze lines
>>>If your child struggles with holding a writing utensil correctly there are several sources out there you can check out.  Simply Google "correct handwriting grip", "correct pencil grip" or something similar.  You can use a rubberband to help hold the pencil in place (I've seen this on Pinterest), or there are grips you can buy.  One method that works well is to have your child place the pencil on the table with the eraser at the top.  Next have them pinch the pencil near the bottom by the point with their thumb and index finger and then swing the pencil (without letting go!) back towards their hand.<<<

Monday, August 19, 2013

Number 1 Activities

Number 1 Activities

N began learning the attributes of the number 1.
She will learn to:

1) Recognize the number 1 is different places, sizes, and scripts.
2) Write the number 1.
3) Understand the value of the number 1.
4) Count 1 object.


Common Core Standard:
CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.A.3 Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects).

Kansas Early Learning Standard
MK Standard 1:  Demonstrates an understanding of number concepts and numerical operations

Resource: Number Pages @

N went on a number hunt in the neighborhood. 
Recognizing and tracing the number 1.  N also stamped one time in the circle.

Letter A Activities

Letter A Activities

N completed a variety of activities to establish knowledge of the letter A.  Repetition is very important for memorization.  N repeated the name of the letter A and the short sound of the letter A several times during each activity.  It is also important to include upper and lower case letters together when working with individual letters. 


Common Core Standard:  
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1a Print many upper- and lowercase letters.
Kansas Early Learning Standard:  
CL Standard 4:  Demonstrates emergent writing skills

Resource:  ABC printables @

A is for Apple

N is practicing proper position of the crayon and staying in the lines.

Using the letter A stamp to fill up the apple.

Proud of her work

Outlining the letter A with Apple Jacks

We went on a letter hunt in our neighborhood.  N found letter A's on trash cans, for sale signs, street signs, and company names stamped in the sidewalk.
Writing the letter A with chalk.

Apple Painting