Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pattern Painting

L is finishing patterns with do-a-dot paints.

If you have never used do-a-dot paints I highly recommend them! The uses for them are endless!   You can find them at any craft store.

To do this activity I simply stamped out a pattern and drew a line for him to fill in the next color. I had him say the pattern out loud and then decide which color came next. I have also had him stamp out his own patterns.

Patterns to use can be ABABABAB, AABAABAAB, AABBAABBAABB, AAABAAABAAAB, etc. Once he gets these types of patterns down I'll throw in a third and fourth element. I also use stamps for patterning. I purchased some shape stamps a year ago and we do the same type of activity with those. But you could use any stamps you want.

This activity reinforces sequencing (which one comes next).

1 comment:

  1. My kids LOVE dot-a-dot markers! They have so much fun and they don't make a big mess.
