Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Let the adventure begin!

I am re-entering the world of blogging and its gonna take me a while to figure it all out again! I wanted to start this blog as a way of archiving all the educational activities I do with my kiddos so that I would always have it on hand (in case the world of Facebook crashes down!) My posts will be random, depending on the activity we are doing, but I will always post pictures of the materials we use and of one or more of my kiddos doing the activity. I welcome any suggestions or comments that may help me be a better blogger!


  1. I can't wait to see all the activities that you post. I get caught up in finishing all the big kids school work and forget about finding time to do fun stuff with my little ones.

  2. This is great- really fun, practical, easy, smart, etc., ideas! Thanks!
